Sunday 8 August 2010

Death and the Penguin by Andrey Kurkov

I really liked the author's deadpan tone and I liked how this book was a bit off the wall. I'm not an animal person at all but adored Misha the penguin. It ended a bit abruptly for my liking but I guess it just means I have to read the next one in the series.

Good book, well written and enjoyable.

Overall 4/5 

Friday 6 August 2010

Atonement by Ian McEwan

I have tried reading this book so many times but couldn't get into it. Eventually, I started skipping pages until I got to the end just to see what happens. I also tried to watch the film many times but again I couldn't stay focused (which is saying a lot as James McAvoy is very cute). It must just be me as everyone I know who has read it or watched the movie, loves it. 

The best way to describe how I feel about this book is the movie Clockwise starring John Cleese. You either love it or hate it. Well I hated that film as it made me cringe all the way through and that's what this book makes me do. I felt no sympathy for Briony, couldn't relate to any of the characters and I wasn't captivated by the story. Again I think this is just me as this novel did win the Booker prize and is considered to be a work of great literary fiction.  Nonetheless, I wasn't impressed.

Overall 0/5

Perfume by Patrick Suskind

What can I say about this book except wow! Grenouille is such an amazing character, so creepy and brilliant. I really enjoyed this book but did feel let down by the ending, bit of an anti-climax for me. Haven't watched the film yet and probably won't, as I like the version of Grenouille that I have in my head and don't want Hollywood to ruin it for me. Also I've been told that the film is quite gruesome and whilst I can deal with gruesomeness (is there such a word?) in books, I'm not so good with it on the big screen.

Definately worth reading.

Overall 4/5   

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

I heard loads of positive comments about this book before I actually started reading it. This was the second Mitch Albom book I read so I was expecting some sort of 'cheesy' element to the story and doses of soppiness. Anyway I read this book in a day and absolutely loved it. Yes it was cheesy in places but I didn't care. I cried at the end as well and anyone who knows me knows that I don't cry easily (although that's not entirely true as I did cry a lot when Madge died in Neighbours).

This book made me think about the people in my life that I used to look up to and think were so cool when I was younger, in particular my old Chemistry teacher at school and my mum. I know that sounds quite sappy but it did. I really enjoyed reading this and have recommended it to my friends. There's also a film but I haven't seen it and don't know if I will. That guy from Friends is in it (the scientist guy who goes to Minsk that Phoebe is in love with). 

Overall 5/5    

P.S. I would probably avoid One Fine Day as I felt that was way too cheesy. Although I did get into a heated discussion with a friend who thought that One Fine Day was not as cheesy as Tuesdays with Morrie, so there you go. Will talk about Five People You Meet in Heaven later.

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

I enjoyed reading this but did feel a little disappointed by the second part of this book. It started well, I couldn't put it down and was completely captivated. I felt I was the main character and I was able to relate it to him, especially in the beginning when the author described the burning of flesh so well. I could almost feel my skin sizzling!

Anyway, I felt the second part of the book wasn't as good as the first. The pace was slower, I began to lose interest and wanted the author to hurry up and finish the story.

I did love that the edges of the book were black.

Overall 3/5.

P.S. After reading this book, I feel it's finally time for me to read Dante. I tried reading it when I was younger but I wanted to get through all the Nancy Drew books first and there were a lot of them!